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7 Things to Have to Create a Cozy Breastfeeding Room at Home

Once you make the decision to breastfeed, you have to be ready to spend long hours nursing and in close contact with your baby. With breastfeeding, you will be creating memories and forming a strong bond with your child.

But there’s another side to breastfeeding. When you commit to breastfeed, you will be spending long hours in the day (or night) — sometimes alone — with your baby. And it’s possible that you will stay in one position for hours to keep baby as comfortable as possible. 

Because breastfeeding demands much of you, consider creating your very own cozy and stress-free breastfeeding nook. 

A room that is especially intended for breastfeeding and nourishing your baby will help you enjoy these moments. And if you find pleasure in breastfeeding, then you will have no problem attaining your breastfeeding goals! 

And if you don’t have enough space at home for a lactation room, then you can always create a breastfeeding corner with a warm and caring atmosphere. If you want to know how you can create your own breastfeeding space at home, then here are some helpful tips.

1. Choose the most comfortable chair.

The focal point and probably the most important part of your nursing room. Because you will be spending a huge chunk of your time sitting down on that chair and breastfeeding your baby, it is imperative that you choose what you feel is the most comfortable. You can get an armchair to support your arms, or you can get a rocking chair to help your baby fall asleep faster.

It is also important to choose a practical chair. You will inevitably deal with some baby-related messes like spit-ups and diaper blowouts, so steer clear of chairs that are hard to clean. Choose instead a chair that is not only comfy but also easy to maintain. 

2. Get a nursing pillow and a soft blanket.

A nursing pillow — make that a good nursing pillow — is a must-have for any breastfeeding mom. Breastfeeding can strain your arms, shoulders, and back, especially if you stay in one position for a long time. Also, newborn babies are tiny and light, but they can easily feel heavy if held for hours. A nursing pillow takes the weight off and gives your body proper support. 

Another breastfeeding must-have that you shouldn’t do without is a soft blanket. For newborn babies, a cotton muslin blanket is ideal as it is soft, lightweight, breathable, and gentle even on the most sensitive skin.

3. Your lighting should be warm and relaxing.

Because your goal is to keep your lactation room conducive for breastfeeding, the atmosphere of the area should be relaxing and calming. This will not only keep your baby calm and rested but also help you produce more milk! In order to achieve this, avoid lighting options that are too bright and vivid. 

It is a good idea to get a lampshade that produces muted, low lighting. The light it produces is not too bright, but it’s not too dim either, allowing you to see what you are doing (and your baby) and breastfeed in clarity and confidence. 

4. Place your chair near the power socket and the trash can.

When you’re breastfeeding your child and they fall fast asleep, you can spend time with your phone or tablet. With breastfeeding-friendly apps and other parenting apps, you’re definitely not slacking off when you are on your phone! With this said, it is practical to place your nursing chair near the power socket so that you can charge your devices more easily.

And because you need to have everything important within your reach, don’t forget to place a trash can near your chair. You may use baby wipes and nursing pads, and having a trash can nearby will help for a quick and easy trash disposal. 

5. Get a sturdy side table with storage.

If space is an issue, you don’t have to get a big wooden chest with drawers and a changing table. Save it for your baby’s nursery instead. For your nursing room or breastfeeding corner, a smaller but still sturdy side table with some storage is ideal. On this table, you can place your lampshade, your phone, a book, and other things that you want in handy.

You may want to get a set of lightweight storage baskets that will allow you to store your essentials as well as take them from room to room whenever necessary.

6. Make room for necessary breastfeeding supplies.

Speaking of storage, make sure there is enough room for the necessary breastfeeding supplies. Again, you don’t need a lot of space since you are only going to need a few supplies within your reach. These include nursing pads, hand sanitizer, nipple cream, nipple shield, paper towels, and multipurpose muslin cloths. 

If you are pumping, you will also need to store your breast pump, accessories, and other related supplies in your lactation room. 

7. Don’t forget about hydration and nutrition.

Finally, don’t forget about your basic needs! You cannot nourish your baby without nourishing yourself first, so remember to stay hydrated and satiated. You are going to use up a lot of your energy (up to 500 calories a day!), so keep nutritious snacks in your breastfeeding nook. You will also need a bottle of water or two by your side.

With a few essentials, you can create your very own cozy and stress-free breastfeeding space. While you can use the extra room in your house, you can also set up a breastfeeding corner or nook in any area of your home. The goal is for this space to be as warm and comfortable as possible!

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
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