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5 Easy Breastfeeding Friendly Clothes (That You Might Already Have in Your Closet!)

The funny thing about breastfeeding is that even though it is a natural thing, it does not necessarily come naturally to many women. So if you feel like you are struggling to breastfeed — especially in the beginning — don’t fret! You are not alone, and the truth is that it does take some time, a bit of patience, and a bit of effort to learn to breastfeed.

Aside from reading about breastfeeding and a lot of practice, another factor that may help you breastfeed successfully is a selection of breastfeeding friendly clothes. These breastfeeding outfits just might be the key to an effortless nursing journey!

3 Tips to Choose Breastfeeding Outfits

It would be fun to shop around for new nursing friendly clothes, but the truth is that all you need to do is check your closet. You don’t need to buy new clothes that are specially made for breastfeeding — all you need is a little bit of creativity.

In choosing breastfeeding friendly dresses and clothing, you just need to remember these tips:

1. It should be comfortable.

Because you will be wearing your clothes throughout the day, you should feel comfortable in it. Wear something that you could wear without feeling sore or itchy. Also, because you might be laying your baby against your dress, try to choose soft garments without hard embellishments. 

2. It should have a breathable fabric.

Next, it helps to choose breastfeeding clothing made of a breathable fabric like cotton. When you breastfeed, you will be in close proximity with your baby, and a synthetic fabric might cause both of you to feel too warm and uncomfortable. 

3. It needs to be stretchy.

Finally, it also helps to find a dress or top that is quite stretchy, like cotton jersey. You are going to need to accommodate your baby, and a stretchy material will give you more room to move. A stretchy fabric will also cling to the right places, making sure that you are covered. 

5 Breastfeeding Friendly Clothing Ideas from Your Wardrobe

Again, you don’t need to buy new clothes to breastfeed successfully! Unless you really want to go shopping for breastfeeding wardrobe (which we will not stop you from doing!), all you need are a few basics. When you reuse what you already have at home, you will be able to save money, time, and space.

Which clothes can you use to breastfeed? Here are several easy breastfeeding outfit ideas, most of which you may already have lying around in your closet.

1. Button-up or zip-front clothing

Easy access is probably the most important requirement all breastfeeding friendly clothes should have. Clothing that are especially made for nursing have panels that allow easy access, but what you may not know is that you can also have the same easy access with your button-down shirts and zip-front clothing. 

Because they look professional, button-up tops or dresses are also perfect if you are working outside your home and need to pump your breast milk. 

2. Stretchy tank tops

Another clothing item that you can expect to use often when you are breastfeeding is your stretchy tank top or camisole. Simply layer it under a button-up shirt, a loose blouse, a shirt with an open neckline — virtually anything that you can lift up or open. 

The stretchy tank top underneath can be pulled down for nursing, giving your baby easy access while giving you enough coverage.

3. Shirts with low necklines

When you prefer to just stay at home or during those days when you have to run some errands and need something ultra-comfortable and casual, shirts with low necklines are your best bet. Choose comfortable shirts with scoop necklines or V necklines that can be easily pulled down to accommodate your baby. Don’t forget to choose ones made of stretchy fabric!

4. Wrap dresses

Another option for your breastfeeding friendly dresses that you can wear to work or even during formal events like weddings are wrap dresses. Wrap dresses (and wrap blouses) involve a single layer of fabric wrapped around your front, and they can be easily unwrapped from each side to give your baby access to your breasts.

5. Scarf

While you can definitely get some nursing covers, you can use what you already have at home to give you some privacy while you breastfeed. You can use a baby blanket as a nursing cover, but in a pinch, a scarf does the job well, too. Unlike a baby blanket that you have to carry around in your bag, you can simply wear a scarf around your neck as an accent to your outfit.

Breastfeeding can be done anytime and anywhere, but let’s face it: you will have a much easier time with a breastfeeding-friendly wardrobe ready. With a bit of creativity and imagination, you don’t have to buy a new anything to build this wardrobe! A few basics here and there and you will be nursing successfully — and stylishly — in no time. 

Featured image by Wendy Wei from Pexels
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