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Is Homeschooling The Right Choice for You?

The pandemic has forced a lot of families to make unprecedented decisions. Many business owners have resorted to letting their employees work from home, while other businesses decided to reduce their workforce because of the economic downturn. Still, other businesses were forced to close down permanently.

Aside from the economic factors, families have to think of their health and safety, especially of their children’s. Unlike before, when eating out was something we did not have to think twice about, now there are a lot of precautions to take just to step outside of the house. Taking a trip is now out of the question!

The pandemic has affected perhaps almost every aspect of everyone’s lives, and for families everywhere, the pressure is doubled because they still have children to look out for. In order to protect their children, a lot of families are considering homeschooling.

Is homeschooling the right option for you and your family? Here are several things you need to consider before making the potentially life-changing decision.

There are definitely a lot of benefits that come with homeschooling, such as the following:

  • You will enjoy flexibility of schedule and freedom to teach subjects in line with the child’s interests and learning style.
  • When you homeschool, your child will also have more time to rest and sleep since you don’t have to brave the traffic in the mornings.
  • It also establishes closer family relationships.
  • More importantly, when you choose to homeschool, you can be more certain of your child’s physical safety and protection from sickness.

However, as many veteran homeschoolers will tell you, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies because homeschooling has its own challenges. 

1. It can be stressful on your part.

If you did not have any idea how stressful it is to be a teacher, then you are bound to know now. Because you will be in charge of your child’s education, there will be a huge amount of responsibility falling on your shoulders.

It will take a lot of time and effort on your part not only to teach but also to do other things teachers do outside the classroom, such as preparing lessons, preparing the necessary materials, researching, grading, and more. If you are making the choice to homeschool half-heartedly, you need to know that the role of being your children’s teacher can be very physically and emotionally taxing.

2. Homeschooling does not necessarily mean “cheaper.”

If your children came from a private school, then the fees of homeschooling may be cheaper. But if you are used to going to a public school, then prepare for the “added costs” of homeschooling. You need to know whether the fees you pay to a homeschooling provider already cover books and supplies. If not, always take the additional miscellaneous expenses.

The good news is that there are free homeschooling options available if you do your research.

3. You will be with your kids 24/7.

This can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective. Just be prepared to be with your kids 24/7 if you decide to homeschool. If this sounds like a dream come true, then homeschooling just might be the best option for you. After all, many parents’ reason for homeschooling is to create a tighter and more intimate bond with their children.

However, if you can’t imagine being with your kids all the time, then you might want to reconsider. 

Homeschooling is a major life change. It’s not a decision that you can back out from on a whim because you need to protect your children’s sense of stability. It has a lot of benefits, and for many homeschooling parents, the sacrifices that homeschooling requires are all worth it.

But it honestly is not for everyone. Now that you already know the challenges of homeschooling, assess whether you can really handle it. Think twice, even thrice or more, before making such an important decision.

Featured image by Elly Fairytale from Pexels
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