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10 Must-Have Pregnancy Essentials for Every Pregnant Woman

You can never be too prepared for pregnancy. When you’re pregnant, a lot of things will happen to you and your body — things that have never, ever, happened to you before — so you need to be 100% ready.

Aside from reading up and arming yourself with everything you need to know about being pregnant and getting your mom’s and your friends' advice, another thing you can do to prepare for pregnancy is securing for yourself these 10 maternity essentials.

1. Pregnancy Pillow

One of the very first things you should get, maybe even right after you see that positive sign on the pregnancy test, is a pregnancy pillow. You need to get a lot of sleep when you are pregnant, but the thing is sleeping while you’re pregnant can be uncomfortable. 

With a pregnancy pillow running along your body and between your legs, you can sleep more comfortably. It also dissipates the pain that you may feel by not being able to sleep on your back or on your stomach. Moreover, after you give birth, you can use your pregnancy pillow as a breastfeeding pillow. 

2. Breathable Underwear

Pregnancy is the time to prioritize comfort over everything else, which includes wearing comfortable underwear. Use pure cotton underwear as they are more breathable and are kinder to your hypersensitive skin. In the meantime, keep your lacy underwear for later use. 

3. Lotion

Another thing that can happen to you when you are pregnant is getting dry skin all over your, including your hands and feet. To minimize dry skin, it is helpful to massage yourself with a moisturizing lotion, letting your partner massage the areas that you have trouble reaching. Aside from moisturizing, a massage will also help improve your blood circulation.

4. Comfortable Clothing

Again, you should stay as comfortable as possible during pregnancy. While you may not necessarily need to buy new maternity clothing, you should opt to use comfortable and breathable clothing. Opt for airy tops and dresses over tight-fitting tops and stretchy jeans and even yoga pants over denim. 

5. Comfortable Shoes

Aside from clothing, consider a pair or two of comfortable shoes as maternity essentials. Because your joints tend to be looser when you are pregnant, it is helpful to avoid wearing high heels to prevent accidents and pain. You are also expected to gain weight, so avoid wearing shoes that don’t do anything for support and balance. Instead, choose comfortable footwear like sneakers, ballet flats, and flip flops!

6. New Bra

Contrary to popular belief, it is not breastfeeding that causes your breasts to change: it’s pregnancy. Some women report getting bigger breasts during pregnancy, while some report getting smaller breasts. You will need underwear that fit correctly, so go bra shopping! You may also get a pair or two of nursing bras in preparation for your postpartum needs. 

7. Healthy Snacks

Pregnancy cravings are completely normal, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking about munching all the time! However, rather than munching on sweets and junk food, it is best to stock your pantry with healthy snacks like fresh fruits, whole-wheat bread and crackers, popcorn, nuts, yogurt, and peanut butter.

8. Heartburn Remedy

Due to the changes in your body — particularly in your digestive system — during pregnancy, you may also expect to experience heartburn or acid reflux. Because they often come at an inopportune time, such as in the middle of the night, you should always have an antacid on hand to counter the heartburn. 

9. Nausea Remedy

Another inevitable thing that can happen when you’re pregnant is nausea. Unlike what the name “morning sickness” implies, it can actually strike at any time of the day. When you’re feeling nauseous, you can use natural morning sickness remedies like ginger. If you can’t bear the taste of fresh ginger, you can get ginger candies or drink ginger tea. 

10. Prenatal Vitamins

Finally, you cannot have a complete list of pregnancy essentials without your essential prenatal vitamins! Aside from eating a healthy diet and maintaining a safe pregnancy exercise regimen, it is very important to take your prescribed prenatal vitamins to make sure all the bases are covered. These vitamins are crucial not only for your health but also your baby’s! 

There is nothing like pregnancy. Even if this is not your first pregnancy, you are bound to experience some changes for the first time. So be prepared to face the challenges of pregnancy with our list of must-have pregnancy essentials! 

 Featured image by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash
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